Taylor's Mill Farm is first and foremost committed to the Hereford breed. Our number one goal is to be your source for Hereford genetics. We are dedicated to improving the Hereford breed through genetic selection and the many tools available to us with today's technology. By using a wide range of selection criteria and putting pressure on our cattle to perform in our environment, we hope to advance the Hereford breed.
We have three categories of cattle, Registered Herefords, Hereford Plus and Hereford Hybrids, with the Hereford being the foundation of all three. We have an extensive Artificial Insemination program using the best bulls in the breed that fit in our environment and provide the traits we believe to be essential for improving the breed and commercial cattle as well. We recently initiated an Embryo Transfer program after identifying several cows on our farm that excelled year after year and have traits that we want to reproduce at a more rapid pace than is possible with traditional breeding. The Registered Hereford cattle are the base and largest segment of our herd. The Hereford breed has much to offer. Docility, fertility, longevity and carcass quality would have to be near the top of the list. In an effort to retain the most recognized traits of the Hereford but to also have the flexibility to bring in other genetic sources, we have developed what we call the Hereford Plus. We also create F1 Hereford Hybrids by selecting for complementary traits within other breeds that have the added benefit of hybrid vigor. You can read more about each of these categories and our goals for each on the drop down tabs under "Our Program".
There are many factors to consider when selecting a Seedstock supplier. Listed below are some of the principals and practices we follow with our herd.
We hope you choose to make us your supplier of Hereford Seedstock.
We have three categories of cattle, Registered Herefords, Hereford Plus and Hereford Hybrids, with the Hereford being the foundation of all three. We have an extensive Artificial Insemination program using the best bulls in the breed that fit in our environment and provide the traits we believe to be essential for improving the breed and commercial cattle as well. We recently initiated an Embryo Transfer program after identifying several cows on our farm that excelled year after year and have traits that we want to reproduce at a more rapid pace than is possible with traditional breeding. The Registered Hereford cattle are the base and largest segment of our herd. The Hereford breed has much to offer. Docility, fertility, longevity and carcass quality would have to be near the top of the list. In an effort to retain the most recognized traits of the Hereford but to also have the flexibility to bring in other genetic sources, we have developed what we call the Hereford Plus. We also create F1 Hereford Hybrids by selecting for complementary traits within other breeds that have the added benefit of hybrid vigor. You can read more about each of these categories and our goals for each on the drop down tabs under "Our Program".
There are many factors to consider when selecting a Seedstock supplier. Listed below are some of the principals and practices we follow with our herd.
- A vision of the ideal cow and constantly working to mold the herd to this standard is our starting point. A picture of that cow for us would include a moderate frame - 5 frame score, mature weight of 1200-1300 pounds, slick hair coat, deep body with lots of barrel, wedge shape side view with the udder being lower than the brisket, an udder that is well attached with small teats, correct structure with good feet and legs and an overall feminine look. This cow would be docile, have good maternal instincts, easy calving ability, good carcass quality, easy fleshing and good milking ability, the ability to wean a 500 + pound calf at 205 days and have the ability to consistently pass these traits to her offspring.
- We keep extensive records using the Cattlemax Online record keeping system. We weigh and evaluate our cattle on a regular basis to ensure that the cattle are meeting our goals. It is hard to improve what you don't measure.
- We select AI bulls for each cow individually based on her strengths and weaknesses. We routinely use 5 or more AI sires in any given year. We recently started an embryo transfer program and intend to expand on this program in the future through cooperator herds. Constant selection and culling are essential to herd improvement.
- A good nutrition program is essential. We can't expect cattle to express their genetic potential without meeting their nutritional needs. Our forage program is at the heart of this endeavor along with a solid mineral program.
- A proper health program is essential. It is better to prevent than try to treat. Vaccines and parasite control are performed on a scheduled basis. Insect control and minor treatments are as needed.
- Last but not least is listening to our customers. We must listen to learn and be able to fill the needs of our customer. We realize that our program may not fit every cattleman. Select a seedstock producer that most closely matches your vision.
We hope you choose to make us your supplier of Hereford Seedstock.